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The birth of Milano Assicurazioni

24 July 1825

​​​​​​​​​“1825. 24 July. Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia... In the reign of his Majesty the Emperor and King Francis the First... It is hereby declared that the aforementioned Joint Stock Company is established under the title of “Insurance Company against Fires and on the Life of Man", approved by the I.R. (Austro-Hungarian) Government". As per the notarial deed above, establishing the first joint-stock company in pre-unification Italy, with share capital of 6 million Austrian lire. During the Restoration, following the fall of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy (1814), some significant Milanese entrepreneurs, including Giuseppe Marietti (President and first underwriter), Pietro Bourdillon, Enrico Mylius, and Antonio Ceriani (bankers, industrialists, shippers, merchants), decided to found a large insurance company; some of these men had founded the first Italian savings bank, Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde (1823). The company (also known as Milano Assicurazioni) operated in the fire segment (until then dominated by Austrian and French companies) and in the life segment and life annuities and met a very significant need.

Those interested in developing their research and extending it to other archival resources can write to archiviostorico@cubounipol.it​​.