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Artistic Heritage

​​​​​Unipol Group's Artistic Heritage, an unplanned result of various collections and the fruit of mergers with other insurance companies, contains important works and spans well over a century of Italian art.

With CUBO, the Group has fully embraced the most contemporary scientific and managerial challenge that a Corporate Art Collection or Corporate Museum poses: it actively participates in the Group's life through careful and precise planning, research and measurement of the artistic, cultural and economic value of the works of the collection and those that will become part of it, without forgetting to interpret the history behind the collection itself.

To this end, a specialised team of specially dedicated people deals with the cataloguing, conservation and development of the entire heritage.

After completing the cataloguing and all the activities related to the conservation of the artworks, CUBO began the intense enhancement of its artistic heritage. Providing a work for qualified scientific projects means sharing our passion for art and culture with the community, strengthening the explosive resume of the work provided.

While maintaining the cultural objective, loans promote exchanges between those important scientific collaborations that have helped grow the value of our country and our artistic heritage in the field of art. The incredibly delicate moment of lending a work of art must be handled with care and skill, so that it can become an exciting passage in the life of a work.

CUBO's art team supervises the lending operations to ensure that works from its heritage are made available to the community with the utmost safety.

  • Umberto Boccioni, Ritratto di scultore (Valerio Brocchi), 1907

  • Graham Sutherland, Suspended form - Red ground, 1962

  • Mario Raciti, Presenze/Assenze, 1970, courtesy artista​

  • Ennio Morlotti, Rocce, s.d. (ciclo 1975-1986), courtesy Archivio Opere Ennio Morlotti

  • Beverly Pepper, Prismi S.I., 1967-68, acciaio inox lucido, courtesy Marlborough Gallery N.Y.

  • Beverly Pepper, In Virgo Rectangle Twist, 1967-68, acciaio inox lucido, courtesy Marlborough Gallery N.Y.

  • Maurizio Bottarelli, Senza titolo, 2001, courtesy artista

  • Dino Boschi, Stazione, 2006, courtesy eredi Boschi

  • Joanie Lemercier, Black Landform, pezzo unico, 2014

  • Francesca Pasquali, Frappa, 2016, courtesy FPA


The artistic heritage of the Unipol Group increases and continues to be brought to life through the creation of new artistic projects and temporary exhibitions.

The projects are often accompanied by events, educational activities and multidisciplinary exhibitions to promote and support the hybridisation of artistic languages, demonstrating the Unipol Group's interest in enriching future generations by imparting culture and corporate values.​



Filippo de Pisis. Birth of a Painting ArtBologna - CUBO in Porta Europa and in Torre UnipolArtFilippo de Pisis. Birth of a Painting https://www.cubounipol.it/en/exhibitions/filippo-de-pisis10/11/2024 11:16:34 AM049761Historical Archive Artistic Heritage Exhibitions Events Education Podcast Facilities Booking of the meeting rooms Guided tour curated by Ilaria Bignotti and Maddalena aspx16757htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/Mostre/Banner%20de%20Pisis.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />15/10/2024 22:00:0016/01/2025 23:00:002024-10-15T22:00:00Z2025-01-16T23:00:00Z
CROSSINGArtFrom Klimt to Basilè, from Sironi to Bauermeister. Exhibition of Unipol Group Artistic Heritage at CUBO in Porta Europa and CUBO in Torre Unipol - BolognaArtCROSSINGhttps://www.cubounipol.it/en/exhibitions/crossing10/14/2023 10:16:36 AM049740Historical Archive Artistic Heritage Exhibitions Events Education Podcast Facilities Booking of the meeting rooms Guided tour From Klimt to Basilè, from Sironi to aspx5794htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/Mostre/Banner_Asterisco.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />11/10/2023 22:00:0017/01/2024 23:00:002023-10-11T22:00:00Z2024-01-17T23:00:00Z
Maurizio BottarelliArtBologna - CUBO in Porta Europa and in Torre UnipolArtMaurizio Bottarellihttps://www.cubounipol.it/en/exhibitions/maurizio-bottarelli-disperdere-il-limite7/2/2024 2:39:20 PM049814Historical Archive Artistic Heritage Exhibitions Events Education Podcast Facilities Booking of the meeting rooms Guided tour To disperse the boundary 13 June aspx4487htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/Mostre/Sito_News_banner%20di%20pagina.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />12/06/2023 22:00:0028/09/2023 22:00:002023-06-12T22:00:00Z2023-09-28T22:00:00Z


The CUBO headquarters has a shop which sells design objects and merchandising items inspired by the Museum's mission and the artwork from its heritage.

The public can also purchase the publication of the first annotated catalogue of works from the Unipol Group's Artistic Heritage.  The shop has the same opening hours as the museum.

​​​​​Go to cubo shop



Trombeau d'un roi maure1929, olio su telaAlberto SavinioTrombeau d'un roi maurehttps://www.cubounipol.it/en/PatrimonioArtistico/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=611/6/2021 1:01:34 PM01413aspx1https://www.cubounipol.it/en/PatrimonioArtistico/Forms/Thumbnails.aspxpngFalsepng
Les pommes grises1933, olio su tela, 89x116 cmGeorge BraqueLes pommes griseshttps://www.cubounipol.it/en/PatrimonioArtistico/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=711/5/2021 5:30:46 PM01414aspxhttps://www.cubounipol.it/en/PatrimonioArtistico/Forms/Thumbnails.aspxpngFalsepng
Concetto spaziale1949, tela naturale, 85x70cmLuigi FontanaConcetto spazialehttps://www.cubounipol.it/en/PatrimonioArtistico/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=811/5/2021 5:30:47 PM01415aspxhttps://www.cubounipol.it/en/PatrimonioArtistico/Forms/Thumbnails.aspxpngFalsepng


The artistic heritage of the Unipol Group increases and continues to be brought to life through the creation of new artistic projects and temporary exhibitions.

The projects are often accompanied by events, educational activities and multidisciplinary exhibitions to promote and support the hybridisation of artistic languages, demonstrating the Unipol Group's interest in enriching future generations by imparting culture and corporate values.​



Filippo de Pisis. Birth of a Painting ArtBologna - CUBO in Porta Europa and in Torre UnipolArtFilippo de Pisis. Birth of a Painting https://www.cubounipol.it/en/exhibitions/filippo-de-pisis10/11/2024 11:16:34 AM049761Historical Archive Artistic Heritage Exhibitions Events Education Podcast Facilities Booking of the meeting rooms Guided tour curated by Ilaria Bignotti and Maddalena aspx16757htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/Mostre/Banner%20de%20Pisis.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />15/10/2024 22:00:0016/01/2025 23:00:002024-10-15T22:00:00Z2025-01-16T23:00:00Z
CROSSINGArtFrom Klimt to Basilè, from Sironi to Bauermeister. Exhibition of Unipol Group Artistic Heritage at CUBO in Porta Europa and CUBO in Torre Unipol - BolognaArtCROSSINGhttps://www.cubounipol.it/en/exhibitions/crossing10/14/2023 10:16:36 AM049740Historical Archive Artistic Heritage Exhibitions Events Education Podcast Facilities Booking of the meeting rooms Guided tour From Klimt to Basilè, from Sironi to aspx5794htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/Mostre/Banner_Asterisco.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />11/10/2023 22:00:0017/01/2024 23:00:002023-10-11T22:00:00Z2024-01-17T23:00:00Z
Maurizio BottarelliArtBologna - CUBO in Porta Europa and in Torre UnipolArtMaurizio Bottarellihttps://www.cubounipol.it/en/exhibitions/maurizio-bottarelli-disperdere-il-limite7/2/2024 2:39:20 PM049814Historical Archive Artistic Heritage Exhibitions Events Education Podcast Facilities Booking of the meeting rooms Guided tour To disperse the boundary 13 June aspx4487htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/Mostre/Sito_News_banner%20di%20pagina.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />12/06/2023 22:00:0028/09/2023 22:00:002023-06-12T22:00:00Z2023-09-28T22:00:00Z


The CUBO headquarters has a shop which sells design objects and merchandising items inspired by the Museum's mission and the artwork from its heritage.

The public can also purchase the publication of the first annotated catalogue of works from the Unipol Group's Artistic Heritage.  The shop has the same opening hours as the museum.

​​​​​Go to cubo shop

CUBO in Porta Europa
Piazza Vieira de Mello, 3 e 5
40128 Bologna

CUBO in Torre Unipol
Via Larga, 8
40138 Bologna

Opening time
  • Monday14:00 - 19:00
  • Tuesday09:30 - 23:30
  • Wednesday09:30 - 20:00
  • Thursday09:30 - 20:00
  • Friday09:30 - 20:00
  • Saturday09:30 - 14:30
  • SundayClosed

Tel. (+39) 051 507 6060

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