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Re-assuring faces. Work and people at Unipol Group

​​​​THE CUBO HISTORICAL ARCHIVE opens IMPRESÆ DA RACCONTARE Re-assuring faces. Work and people at Unipol Group, the annual exhibition to promote the company's historic and documentary heritage.The fourth edition of the Business story telling cycle is dedicated to people, because the story of the Unipol Group companies is the story of the people that have made them grow. It is also the story of how the work of insurance companies in Italy has changed in the last two centuries; a task, that of providing security and assistance, which stems from the needs of society and accompanies its changes. Changes which, also because of the pandemic, are quickly altering the way we all work. For this reason, the exhibition begins with a series of images submitted by our colleagues who, with great personal endeavour, have experienced new forms of work and communication.

La Fondiaria Incendio and La Fondiaria Vita (1879) were founded following the encounter between Italian and French business groups; Società Assicuratrice Industriale (SAI, 1921) was a response to the needs of the major businesses of the North. Similar reasons led the Lancia family to found Società Assicuratrice Unica Polizza (Unipol), in 1961, without launching it on the market. Its subsequent buyers, the cooperatives of the Lega Nazionale Cooperative e Mutue, would launch the business activities of Unipol (1963), an important linchpin of stability and development. No other Italian insurance company has such a large number of cooperative agencies (Assicoop). One completely new development was the creation (1974) of the Partner Regional Councils, later Unipol (CRU), consultancy bodies which represent the company and partner organisations.

For a long time, the working environment involved the management of vast quantities of documents. SAI was the first Italian company to deal with the problem by introducing computer systems. One highly innovative development was the creation of the telephone exchanges: UniSalute and Directa (later Linear) began operating in 1995, Unipol Sertel the following year. Unipol has always focused on skills development, a process that led to the creation of Unica - Unipol Corporate Academy (2016), the structure dedicated to training all of the Group's resources.

Unipol has a very close relationship with the community and civil society. “Welfare, Italy. Workshop for new social policies" is a project founded in 2010 with the aim of contributing to improving the country's health and social policies. Carlo Cimbri, Unipol Group CEO, writes: “A major business like ours must always have the common good at heart because prosperity and social cohesion is only possible if we act in the interests of everyone".​

Virtual tour of the exhibition


Monday 14:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:30 - 23:30
Wednesday 09:30 - 20:00
Thursday 09:30 - 20:00
Friday 09:30 - 20:00
Saturday 09:30 - 14:30
Sunday Close


​CUBO in Porta Europa - Piazza ​Vieira de Mello 3, Bologna​




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CUBO in Porta Europa
Piazza Vieira de Mello, 3 e 5
40128 Bologna

CUBO in Torre Unipol
Via Larga, 8
40138 Bologna

Opening time
  • Monday14:00 - 19:00
  • Tuesday09:30 - 23:30
  • Wednesday09:30 - 20:00
  • Thursday09:30 - 20:00
  • Friday09:30 - 20:00
  • Saturday09:30 - 14:30
  • SundayClosed

Tel. (+39) 051 507 6060

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